I know what you're thinking: what's khenagi? Well to describe it simply, it's a cross between a stew and a matzo ball. This Georgian dish (the country, not the state. You would be surprised how many people had to ask) is eaten on the high holidays. In cooking the dish (and in the photos), you'll notice what I meant when I said "matzo ball."

STEP ONE: Boil chicken gizzards to the state
where they are almost fully cooked.
STEP TWO: While gizzards are boiling,
blend together walnuts and
onions. Transfer them to a bowl;
add eggs, oregano, salt and
STEP THREE: Transfer the walnut/onion mix
to the pot where gizzards are
cooking. The gizzards should be
covered by an inch of liquid. Cook
on low heat until all the liquid has evaporated.
STEP FOUR: While cooking, do not stir!
Gizzards should be at the bottom of
the pot.
STEP FIVE: Serve while hot. Enjoy!