Brisket- the dish Jewish women have fought about for AGES. "Mine's better!" "No, mine is!"If you haven't already seen the Buzzfeed video of Jewish mother's trying each other's brisket, you haven't lived. Shawn, who is a South African Jew, was kind enough to share his grandmother's recipe with me. So, enjoy the family secret!
Serves 4-8, Total cooking time: (24 hr prep, 4 hr cooking)

STEP ONE: Place the brisket in a roasting pan.
STEP TWO: In a food processor, combine the oil, honey, Coca-Cola, mustard powder, red wine, ketchup, and paprika until it is at a “chopped” consistency.
STEP THREE: Pour mixture over brisket. Cover, and place in fridge to marinate overnight.
STEP FOUR: Take brisket out from fridge. Preheat oven to 325 F, cook for 4 hours, or until 190 F.
STEP FIVE: Thinly slice and serve hot.